4 Steps When Creating Custom Training Content

creating custom training contentCreating a custom training content is not just about writing down the data and designing it well in the course. You have to make sure that you go through 4 basic steps that will ensure that the content will deliver the goals of the training program.

You may think that these 4 steps are obvious. But you may be surprised to realize that it is not always followed. Some might miss a step – which can lead to problems in the training program later on. This is why you should go over these 4 steps as you create the content that you will use in your training course.

So what are the 4 steps that you need to follow when you are creating custom training content?

Prepare the content

Start by preparing the content that you will use. Some people might breeze through this part – going straight to the creation process. They think that this is the faster way – by looking for the content as it is being created. But it may not be the best because it might take you longer to finish. Failing to go through this step will make you vulnerable to making mistakes. What you want to do is to prepare the content by creating an outline of what you need to include. It will give you an overview of the training program. Not only that, you can also decide on how you will arrange the content so it meets the goals of the training program. Make sure you consider the employees that will be using the custom training content that you are working on. This step will allow you to decide if you can create this content on your own or if you need to hire a professional to work on it.

Create the content

After preparing the content, it is now time to create it. Because you went through the first step, the second one should be easier to accomplish. You simply have to create it. This is the implementation of the plans that you made during the first step. Ideally, you want to follow the plan thoroughly. But if you feel like you need to change anything, do not be afraid to do so. Of course, you have to be smart when you make the decision to follow the plan or not. Make sure the changes are worth it and will still be aligned to the goals of your course. As you are creating the course, make sure you consider a couple of things. For one, you have to research how the employees will access the content. That will help you figure out the right program to use in creating the custom training program.

Deliver the content

The third step is to deliver the content that you created. There are two phases in this step. The first phase involves a trial period. Choose a couple of employees that can view the course and give you comments about it. Sometimes, the creator or designer of the course thinks that the course is perfect. But once it is given to the intended audience, there may be glitches that need fixing or there may be terms that are not appropriate. This trial run will help you fix all these problems. The second step, obviously, is the delivery of the training program to the intended audience.

Observe the content

While the training program is happening, you should observe the learners – specifically how they are reacting to the custom training content that you created. It is advised that you set up a feedback system that will help you get the collective comments and suggestions of the employees who will go through the training. You may want to get other experts to look at this too. Their comments might be very useful when you want to improve the course.

Completing these 4 steps will help you come up with a custom training content that is constructed well and efficiently.

Image courtesy of Sira Anamwong for FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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