Education Myths You Need To Forget

3d people learningChange in education is inevitable. As the need for modern learning becomes apparent, we have to implement certain changes that will allow us to keep up with the advancements of technology.

The thing about adapting to technology is not just to make our learning more efficient. It is to help keep the interest of the students. The younger generations have technology so rooted in them that failing to integrate it with learning will result in students thinking that schools are obsolete.

Now to keep our minds open about these changes in education, let us define certain myths that are holding us back. If we forget about them we can end up embracing the new phase of learning through technology.

Myth 1: Teachers are central to a child’s education.

In the past, this may be true. But this is no longer the case. While we will never doubt that teachers are very important in the learning curve, they are no longer central to the learning of a child. It may be safe to assume that a child’s education have various influences that there is no central figure to the learning process. You have teachers, parents, peers, technology and even the student’s own initiative. Teachers are still important in the sense that they are needed to guide the student. But in terms of the imparting knowledge, students in a modern educational system is more encouraged to explore the answer their own questions than to have the teacher point out the source of the answer to them.

Myth 2: One program can work for all.

When implementing an educational system, you cannot carbon copy what you do in one school to the next. There are many factors to consider. There is no one-size fits all approach. You need to consider the behavior of your students, their parents or adult influencers, the neighborhood they come from and the facilities of the school. Unique context and content is a key variable to make any program effective. Not only that, administrators should leave room for improvement. As they implement any new program, they have to continuously make observations and note the changes that will make it more effective.

Myth 3: Giving homework boosts the capabilities of the student.

This is a tough one to explain. We are not saying that homework is useless but it has to be done in a higher quality of way. It is not what the student does outside of school that is relevant. It is what happens while they are in it. There is such a thing called project-based learning that may or may not be done in school. It is up to the student to determine when they will do it – as long as they meet the deadline. This approach does not only help them learn the lesson in the project, it also teaches them a sense of responsibility, accountability and flexibility.

Education will never be the same as the past decade and in the coming one. It will always change and you have to understand that even the present reforms that will be implemented today may no longer be true for tomorrow. So keep an open mind and be sensitive of the necessary changes that will make learning a lot more effective.

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