Role Of eLearning In Onboarding Initiatives

elearning for onboard trainingElearning has proven to be quite relevant in meeting corporate needs. One of these involves onboarding.

But what exactly is it and why is it necessary in an organization?

To define it formally, onboarding is a type of socialization and integration meant for new employees or sometimes, clients. This is when you share knowledge, skills, and necessary behavior that will allow the business to operate harmoniously despite the diversity of the people running it. Organizations and companies that implement successful onboarding techniques reveal a higher level of job satisfaction,  performance, and commitment among the members of the team.

There are many techniques used to make this happen. One of them is online training. In the past, corporations have merely given handbooks to new recruits. Then, the employees are expected to hit the ground running with whatever they get from that. In reality, the employee is forced to observe and learn on their own. This compromises the productivity that they ought to have been providing the company.

With all the tools that we now have when it comes to training, simply giving a handbook is practically a violation of all the hard work that the elearning industry have made over the years. There is so much you can do to make onboard training more effective and efficient. You just have to find a way to use online learning to your advantage.

So what exactly is the role of elearning when it comes to the onboarding initiatives of the company?

It makes training accessible.

This is great for companies that have remote workers. You do not have to make them physically come to the office. They can stay where they are and still get the appropriate onboard training that they need to function effectively as part of the company. You can make the course accessible online. Being physically present will no longer be necessary.

It allows easy updates.

Changes happen in the company. It happens all the time. It can be costly to keep on training everyone. If you have the onboard training program, you can simply update it to make sure that it has the latest details and developments about the company. This is not only something that you can use to update the rest of the employees. You can already use this updated version for the onboard training course of incoming recruits.

It provides performance support.

Although onboard training is usually needed in the beginning, employees usually need it as they continue to perform various tasks for the company. Since it is very accessible, it is easy for them to go back to the course. They can use it to answer any questions that they may have. For instance, if they encounter an issue in the workplace and they need to clarify something about the company rules, they can turn to the course for information. This material will keep them from making a mistake and representing the company the wrong way.

As you can see, elearning can make onboard training easier for both the company and the employees. The company can save on printing costs (for the handbook) and updating will be easier. On the other hand, employees will benefit from having the course available anytime they have a need for it.

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan for

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