Rules When Using Infographics In E Learning For Kids

Rules When Using Infographics In E Learning For KidsUsing infographics can make e learning for kids quite interesting. Children learn best when they are visually stimulated. According to a study of the human psyche in general, our brain is an image processor. It can process ideas in text form but it functions best when it is presented with images. The area in our brain that processes images are significantly bigger than the area that processes words. When you use images in learning, there is a higher chance that the message within it will be retained.

Since children are easily distracted, the use of visuals in the learning process will come in more handy. You want to keep their attention on the lesson so you need to be a bit more creative in presenting facts. Of course, this is easier said than done. There are lessons that are hard to turn into visual elements. History, science, and other theoretical subjects can pose a bit of a challenge. How can you make boring topics more interesting without compromising the information that needs to be delivered?

You use an infographic. It will help make the lesson interesting and at the same time, increase the retention of knowledge.

As effective as infographics are, there are certain rules that you need to follow in order to maximize the benefits that you will get out of it.

Give information in small doses

For every data that you will share in e learning for kids, you have to keep it short. To avoid cognitive overload, give the data in small doses. If you have to present a timeline of history, combine images and a short description of each event in the infographics. Do not include paragraphs – let the image speak for itself. This will make it easier for the learners to retain the knowledge being shared with them – even with just a glance.

Filter the data you will provide

To help you keep the information in small doses, you have to filter what you will share. While there are so many things that they need to learn, you have to limit it to those that they need to remember. This is what you will place on the infographic. Make sure to give time to evaluate every information you are providing to ensure that you are only giving what is really necessary.

Repeat what is important

Repetition is always a great way to increase the retention of knowledge in e learning for kids. However, it has to be done in such a way that will keep it from feeling too overwhelming for the readers. For instance, you can use a graph and provide a few text to explain the data. The combination will not only help in retention but in comprehension as well.

Use the right images or graphics

Every space in the infographic should be used to support the information that you want to provide. Do not use an image just for the sake of making it more attractive. As mentioned, you have to keep things concise – even the images. This will help keep the focus on what is important – which is the whole point of using the infographic.

Follow these rules when you are using infographics in e learning for kids. This will help you turn even the most boring or complicated lesson into a fun and memorable one.

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