3 Ways You Can Turn Boring Online Classes Into The Most Interesting Lesson Ever

Online classes can also be very boring. In the past, studies reveal that undergraduate students who have traditional lectures are 1.5 times more likely to fail because it is not stimulating enough. This is compared to a different group that is given a more active learning method. While this study involves students in a traditional …

3 Tips To Create Budget-Friendly Materials For Online Classes

The need for online classes continues to grow. According to reports, the advances in technology and growing Internet access allows online education to expand as much as it had in the past few years. This solves the problem of reaching students who are physically incapable of attending a traditional school. Not only that, businesses have …

Some Truths About Online Classes That Will Enlighten Your Mind

Online classes have evolved and improved over the years. What used to be impossible is no longer a problem. This is why the usual prejudices about it are no longer true today. All the improvements in technology are allowing a huge growth in this method of learning. In fact, it is believed that global elearning …

How To Make Informal Learning Successful In Online Classes

Informal learning in online classes is not really a new strategy. According to research, social learning makes up 75% of what employees learn in the workplace. We all know that social learning is just one of the many ways that informal learning can happen. Any information that you learn inside an institution is formal learning. …

Tips To Engage Gen Z During Online Classes

Most people think that online classes of Millennials and Gen Z students should be the same. While the concepts to be taught will be the same, the learning methods and strategies that you will use to deliver the lesson should not. Unlike what others believe, there are a couple of differences between these two generations. …

Common Misconceptions About Online Classes

Online classes may be effective but there are several misconceptions about it. This is really surprising because of the increasing popularity of this learning method. Companies have recognized how this can help them in their training programs. Busy individuals can now use it to learn something new without compromising the multiple tasks that they have …

5 Ways You Can Assess Learners Of Online Classes

To make online classes successful, you have to understand the participants. Your knowledge of the participants will help you create a lesson that has the highest chance of success. While the content is still important, the method by which it will be delivered will increase the success of the online course. You want to make …

4 Tips To Revive The Discussion In Online Classes

Online classes benefit from a thriving discussion. Communicating online is quite different compared to a face to face discussion. For one, the “anonymity” will work in favor of the “shy” learners. Sometimes, students are afraid to speak their minds because they are unsure about how the others will react to what they have to say. …

What Is The Value Of Knowledge Sharing in Online Classes

Knowledge sharing may be the best way to take your online classes to the next level. The thing about learning online is that you lack physical contact with other people. While learning on your own may be a great option for busy people, maintaining a healthy level of interaction with people going through the same …