YouTube Is A Great Tool For Corporate Training Programs: Here’s Why

YouTube Is A Great Tool For Corporate Training Programs Heres WhyIf you haven’t included YouTube in any of your training initiatives, you should probably start reconsidering your strategy. This is an important tool that you might be missing out on. If you want to make online learning more interesting and accessible, this is something that will help you make that possible.

We all know that video learning is an effective strategy when it comes to elearning. It is more engaging, entertaining, and attention-grabbing. It is easier to make the learners engrossed in the lesson and that gives the course a higher retention rate.

But why is YouTube specifically beneficial? There are several reasons why this video-sharing platform can be very useful in corporate training.

YouTube is a powerful platform

YouTube is the third most visited site online. It only comes after Google and Facebook. Other statistics also show how some people prefer to watch YouTube videos instead of watching TV. That means using YouTube is already appealing to most people. If you use it in corporate training programs, you do not have to teach employees how to use it. Chances are, they already use the platform. Using it for live video content will ensure accessibility.

YouTube promotes flexibility

Busy employees are harder to train because they are usually distracted. Their daily responsibilities are always at the back of their minds and you have to compete with that. The focus of employees are compromised and that can bring the learning experience down. Fortunately, YouTube videos allow flexibility in the training program. The employees can access the videos and learn when it is most comfortable for them – whether it is in the workplace or at home.

YouTube is engaging and entertaining

Generally, video learning is both engaging and entertaining. A complex lesson in video format is easier to teach compared to relying on text. They get to understand the lesson easily because both visual and auditory senses are stimulated during the learning process.

YouTube videos are accessible-on-demand

YouTube videos are also easily accessible-on-demand – this is why you should use utilize it to train employees. When an employee is in need of information, they can simply search for the video to get what they need. This makes it a great material to provide performance support. It can be very useful for employees who are always on-the-go.

YouTube is constantly providing support and upgrades

Since this company is one of the biggest platforms online, you can expect that they are constantly improving and developing. Not only that, YouTube provides adequate support that will help you create videos for online courses. It is one of the cost-efficient ways to create learning materials.

As you can see, YouTube is one of the best learning platforms. While most people turn to it for entertainment purposes, you will also notice that there are a lot of how-to videos in it. This is something that corporate training programs can really utilize. And the videos can also be used – not just for those within the company, but also for business clients. YouTube videos can be utilized to promote the company and educate clients and loyal patrons to help them appreciate the products and services offered.