Facts About The Brain That Can Guide Your Content Creation Plans

brain knowledgeDuring content creation, one of the important tasks that you need to do is to get to know your learners. Regardless of the content that you will teach, the manner by which it will be delivered will depend on the recipients.

If you have no idea about the specific background of the learners, you can base your plans on how the brain works. After all, we all use our brains in the learning process. It is our brain that has to be stimulated to remember what we are trying to learn. It is this part of our body that will store the information that is learned and choose how it will be implemented in our daily tasks.

This is why you have to consider these brain facts to help you make the right content creation choices – specifically when deciding how to deliver the lesson.

Here are some of the important facts about the brain that you need to know.

  1. Our brains need to focus. Although some people are able to multitask, this does not necessarily mean our brain can do it too. The reason why we can multitask is because some of the activities involve actions that we are used to doing. That means our brains do not have to process each and every step to accomplish that goal. That frees our mind to work on something else while the other parts of the body automatically does its job. When it comes to learning, multitasking is not advisable. You want them to be able to focus on what is being taught at the moment – in order to maximize retention. According to an article published on Entrepreneur.com, a Stanford University research revealed that those who are forced to multitask all the time cannot pay attention or recall information. Try to avoid this for your elearning course to maximize retention.
  2. Our brains process images better than words. An article published on PsychologyToday.com, reveals that our brain is primarily a processor of images rather than test. So if you want to get a message across, an image may be more effective compared to using text alone. This is why the use of infographics can be very helpful when trying to get learners to remember complex or boring data.
  3. Our brains improve through games. The best way to keep our brains sharp is to play games. If you are thinking of elements to place in the course during content creation, games should be a great addition. Not only will it make the course a fun experience, it can also sharpen the minds of the learners. You are engaging them and increasing the value of their learning experience. You can turn a boring subject into a fun game that will not be dreaded by learners. Instead, they will look forward to learning. According to an article published on APA.org, psychologists have seen evidence that cognitive training, even during games, can improve memory and problem-solving skills. This can prove to be a powerful tool in your elearning course.

There are other facts that you need to know about how the brain works before you complete your content creation. But these three should give you can idea on how to deliver the lesson in such a way that will make the learning experience more effective.

Image courtesy of zirconicusso for FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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