How Can Cloud Publishing Help Maintain Your Virtual Classroom?

cloud figure pointing to laptopA virtual classroom, if you intend to use it more than once, will require some maintenance efforts. When we say maintain, it refers to any update or improvement that you need to make. These changes can be driven by several factors. It can be driven by the feedback that you get from the previous participants of your online course. It can be driven by technological changes or updates in the software that you are using. It can also be driven by any changes in your content.

Now these changes can be as frequent as every new batch of learners. Or it can be improved only once a year. Regardless of the frequency of the changes that you need to implement in your virtual classroom, you will really benefit from cloud publishing when it comes to its maintenance.

The thing is, you need to develop a strategy to make your elearning maintenance easy to implement. If you do not plan this, you might end up taking a long time to deliver the maintenance procedures that will help improve your online classroom.

Cloud publishing is simply the deployment of your online course via the Internet. That means your elearning course can be delivered, accessed and monitored in the cloud. Now cloud publishing can help you maintain your virtual classroom because of the following factors.

  • Changes are automatically recorded. Whenever you make changes in your online course, it is automatically recorded in the system. You do not have to make a separate documentation to monitor the changes that you have made in the past. You simply have to access it in the cloud.
  • Files are stored together. The great thing about cloud publishing is you get to access your files from one location. You do not have to worry about losing portions of your files because they are all stored in the cloud.
  • Updates can be done only once. If you make any changes, anyone who has access to the files can see these updates. You need to make only one revision and that change can be rolled out to all the files in your virtual classroom. No one has to miss that update as long as they access your online classroom after the update.
  • Files are easily accessed. Since your files are stored in the cloud, you can access them wherever you are. As long as you know your login information and you have an Internet connection, you can get the files of your virtual classroom so you can implement or monitor the necessary changes. Anyone can also access it regardless of where they are. You just have to provide them with their own login details. Since practically everything is recorded in cloud publishing, you can view how many times the data is accessed or viewed.

These qualities of cloud publishing will make virtual classroom maintenance easier and faster too.

In case you have to make a new online course, you need to make sure that you set it up so maintenance can be done easily. Thinking forward will allow you to eliminate problems in the future. Among the things that you need to consider are the following:

  • How can you make future versions in such a way that will not require you to start from scratch?
  • How can you test and republish your new versions to make sure it runs well with the whole course?
  • How can you deploy the changes without incurring too much cost?

Fortunately, these concerns in your virtual classroom can be addressed by reliable cloud publishing.

Image courtesy of hywards for

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