5 Elements Of Successful E Learning For Kids

2 kids in front of laptopIf you think that E learning for kids is the same as creating a course for adults, you are mistaken. It is not the same. There may be elements that are the same but when you go right down to the details, you will notice a lot of differences.

Online courses will vary primarily because of the content. The way you deliver it, will also vary. However, there are 5 elements that will end up being the same across all types of elearning courses. You need to master these and know how they can be implemented when you are specifically after a successful e learning for kids.

  1. Clearly defined goals and objectives. The first element that you need to focus on is defining your goals and objectives. Be as specific as you can when you do this. For instance, when you are targeting kids in your elearning course, you have to go beyond helping them learn. You have to go beyond the goal of getting a high retention rate. You should aim to give them the best elearning experience as you possibly can. Remember that these kids will be spending a couple more years studying. Make every moment interesting so they will enjoy the experience so much that they will look forward to learning more.
  2. Well described expectations and roles in the learning process. In the past, learning is only between the instructor and the learner. This is not what you want to do as you are creating e learning for kids. As young as they are, you want them to learn how to adapt to different roles – just make sure it is clear when a specific role is applicable or not. Although they have to recognize who the instructor is, give them the reins from time to time. Allow them to be the instructor to fellow learners and vice versa. Social learning is an effective method of education. Do not underestimate the ability to kids to influence their fellow learners. In most cases, if you let them take control of the learning process, they will exceed your expectations. Of course, there is danger in giving them control and this is why you still need to define the expectations in the course. Ensure it is clearly described at the beginning of the course.
  3. Adequate understanding of who the audience is. Since this is specifically intended for kids, your research is probably one step ahead already. Of course, you have to go further than merely knowing their age. You have to understand their capabilities as well. That will help you design activities where they can be challenged but not frustrated because it is too difficult. This knowledge will also help you identify the best way that you can deliver the e learning for kids.
  4. Efficient assessment system. You need to be able to track how the learners are progressing during the elearning course. First of all, this is important because it will allow the instructor to change strategies for specific kids along the way. Some of them may need more guidance than the others. For the elearning designer, this assessment will provide the data to help improve future courses that will be created for kids.
  5. User-friendly modes of communication. In any e learning for kids, communication is very important. But beyond that, you have to make sure that they mode of communication is something that these young minds can comprehend. That should be easier to do because the young ones are quite adept in communicating through technology – more so than their grandparents. But still, this merits some attention during creation because most of the modes of communication that kids know is used for play. Make the tool fun but still serious so they will approach the learning process with the right attitude. You want to encourage open communication while the learning process is happening.

There are other elements that will help make e learning for kids successful. Align it with your elearning goals and you should be able to accomplish your objectives and those of your learners.

Image courtesy of stockimages for FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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