4 Traits Of A Great Custom Content For Elearning

laptop with wordsCreating custom content is one of the important tasks that you need to do for your elearning course. Regardless of where you intend to use it, a big part of the success will rely on the content. You need it, primarily to teach the learners something new. But beyond that, you need the content to be constructed in such a way that will encourage learners to complete the course – and actually enjoy it. If you help them have a great elearning experience, you can also encourage them to seek more courses to improve themselves. This is a great way to convert them into passionate learners so they will be motivated to initiate their own learning experiences.

The key to create a great custom content lies in these 4 traits.

The elearning content should be conversational.

Regardless if you present the content in the form of text or narrated through a script, it has to be conversational. This is the most natural tone in communicating and it will not take too much effort for the recipient to understand the message. Try not to use terms that the learners are unfamiliar with. If the new terms are part of the lesson, make sure you define it right from the start. And if you have to use the terms, make sure it is still conversational.

The elearning content should have a storyline.

This can be done literally and figuratively. You can incorporate a story within the course to make it easier to follow. You can come up with a fictional character that the learners can associate themselves with. This character will go through the problems and struggles that learners can also relate to. You can insert the lessons as the story progresses. If the custom content cannot be presented with a fictional character, you can at least arrange the content to have the basic elements of a story. This means you present a problem first – this will help illustrate the value of the course. The next part is the conflict-resolution – giving the learners the tools, knowledge and skills that will help them address the problem. Finally, you want to summarize everything by highlighting the lessons learned in the course.

The elearning content should focus on the skill.

Another important trait when creating custom content is to focus on teaching a skill. Instead of explaining to the learners the technicalities of using a software application, you should concentrate on giving them the steps that will help them use it! Motivating them to do something is different from giving them the steps to actually do it. In the end, the latter is more proactive and will give the learners what they really need.

The elearning content should consider the design of the course.

Finally, you want the content to be aligned with the overall design of the course. This will help create a more harmonious relationship between the two elements. The content and the way it will be presented in the course are two of the greatest influences in creating a great elearning experience. This should go both ways. You need to consider the content while creating the design and the latter should also take into the former. Create a balance between the two. When the content needs to be highlighted, tone down the design to give emphasis to the narrative.

Creating the custom content for elearning courses need not be complicated but it should have these traits to make it work. Remember that content is still king when it comes to learning materials. The delivery and the other elements are still important factors to consider but they should all be aligned with the content of the course.

Image courtesy of digitalart for FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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