Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze images

To provision an Azure AI Vision resource, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Azure Subscription: Before you can provision any Azure resources, you need to have an active Azure subscription. If you do not have one, you can create a subscription for free here .

  2. Access Azure OpenAI: Ensure that you have access to Azure OpenAI services within your Azure subscription. Access is currently granted by application, and you can apply for it by completing the form at this link .

  3. Navigate to the Azure Portal: Go to the Azure portal at This is where you will manage all your Azure resources.

  4. Create a Computer Vision Resource: In the Azure portal, search for “Computer Vision” in the marketplace. Select “Computer Vision” from the search results, and then click “Create” to start the provisioning process.

  5. Configure the Resource: You will need to fill in details such as the name of the resource, the subscription you want to use, the resource group (you can create a new one or use an existing one), and the location/region. It’s important to select the same region as your Azure OpenAI resource if you plan to use them together .

  6. Review and Create: Once you have filled in all the necessary details, review the configuration to ensure everything is correct. After reviewing, click “Create” to provision the Computer Vision resource.

  7. Retrieve Keys and Endpoint: After the resource is deployed, go to the resource page in the Azure portal. Under “Resource Management”, find the “Keys and Endpoint” section. Here, you will find the keys and endpoint URL that you will use to authenticate requests to the Computer Vision service. It is crucial to keep these keys secure and not include them directly in your code .

  8. Set Environment Variables: For added security and to manage your keys and endpoints, it is recommended to set them as environment variables on your local machine or in the environment where your application will run. Use the following commands to set the environment variables, replacing the placeholders with your actual keys and endpoint URLs:

    For Windows:

    setx VISION_TRAINING_KEY your-training-key
    setx VISION_TRAINING_ENDPOINT your-training-endpoint
    setx VISION_PREDICTION_KEY your-prediction-key
    setx VISION_PREDICTION_ENDPOINT your-prediction-endpoint
    setx VISION_PREDICTION_RESOURCE_ID your-resource-id

    For Linux:

    export VISION_TRAINING_KEY=your-training-key
    export VISION_TRAINING_ENDPOINT=your-training-endpoint
    export VISION_PREDICTION_KEY=your-prediction-key
    export VISION_PREDICTION_ENDPOINT=your-prediction-endpoint
    export VISION_PREDICTION_RESOURCE_ID=your-resource-id

    After setting the environment variables, you may need to restart any running programs that will read these variables .

By following these steps, you will have successfully provisioned an Azure AI Vision resource that you can use for various computer vision tasks, such as image analysis, optical character recognition, and more. Remember to manage your keys securely and follow best practices for authentication and authorization as outlined in the Azure AI services security article .

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze images

Analyze an Image

When analyzing an image, the process typically involves several components that work together to extract meaningful information from the visual data. Here’s a detailed explanation of how this process might unfold using Azure AI services:

Components of Image Analysis

  1. Source File: The image to be analyzed is provided as the source file. This is the initial data that needs to be processed.

  2. Read Model: Azure AI services employ a Read model to detect images within the media file. The Read model is responsible for extracting text from images using Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. This process involves recognizing and analyzing the text present in the image .

  3. Get Read Results Model: After the Read model has processed the image, the extracted text and its related information are displayed in a structured format, typically a JSON file. This file contains the recognized text along with metadata such as the position of the text in the image and the confidence score .

  4. Confidence Value: For each piece of extracted text, Azure AI assigns a confidence value. This value ranges from 0 to 1 and represents the certainty of the OCR’s accuracy in recognizing the text. A higher confidence score indicates greater reliability of the results .

Additional Insights

Azure AI services can also provide additional insights from the image, such as:

  • Object Detection: Identifying and locating objects within the image.
  • Face Recognition: Analyzing the image to identify and recognize human faces using the Azure AI Face API. This includes creating templates from enrolled images of individuals for facial recognition .
  • Keyframe Analysis: Detecting keyframes in video content that may be relevant for understanding the overall context or for extracting specific insights.

Practical Applications

The practical applications of image analysis are vast and can include:

  • Automating data entry by extracting text from scanned documents or images.
  • Enhancing accessibility by providing text alternatives for visual content.
  • Enabling search and retrieval of information from large collections of images or videos.
  • Improving security and surveillance systems through facial recognition and object detection.

Additional Resources

For more information on OCR technology and how it is implemented in Azure AI services, you can refer to the following resource: - OCR technology overview

For a deeper understanding of how to work with Azure AI services for image analysis, the following resources may be helpful: - Azure AI Document Intelligence pricing options - Bicep overview

Please note that the URLs provided are for additional information and should be accessed for further learning and understanding of the concepts discussed.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze images

Smart-Cropped Thumbnail Generation and Background Removal

When preparing images for various applications, two common tasks are generating smart-cropped thumbnails and removing backgrounds from images. These tasks can be accomplished using Azure’s AI Services, specifically the Computer Vision service. Below is a detailed explanation of each process:

Smart-Cropped Thumbnail Generation

Smart-cropped thumbnails are generated by analyzing the contents of an image to determine the most important region and then creating a cropped version of the image that highlights this region. This is particularly useful for ensuring that thumbnails remain meaningful even when the image size is reduced.

To generate a smart-cropped thumbnail, the Computer Vision service provides the following capabilities:

  • Area of Interest (AOI): The service analyzes the image to return the coordinates of the image’s most important region. This is often used to guide the cropping process.
  • Smart Cropping: Based on the AOI, the service suggests crops of the image for different aspect ratios, ensuring that the most important parts of the image are included in the thumbnail.

For more information on generating smart-cropped thumbnails, you can refer to the official documentation on Obtaining an area of interest and smart crops .

Background Removal

Background removal is the process of isolating the foreground subject from the background. This operation can produce an image of the detected foreground object with a transparent background or a grayscale alpha matte image showing the opacity of the detected foreground object.

Azure’s Computer Vision service offers the following feature for background removal:

  • Background Removal: This feature allows you to remove the background of an image, which can be useful for creating product images for e-commerce, profile pictures without distracting backgrounds, or any other application where the subject of the image needs to stand out clearly.

For additional details on how to remove backgrounds from images using Azure’s AI services, you can visit the Background Removal documentation .

By utilizing these features, you can enhance the visual presentation of images, whether for creating more engaging content or for focusing on specific products or subjects within an image. These tools are part of the broader suite of image analysis capabilities provided by Azure AI services, designed to assist in the automated processing and understanding of visual content.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze images

Analyze Images with Azure AI Vision

Azure AI Vision provides a suite of services that allow developers to analyze images and extract valuable insights. These services use advanced machine learning algorithms to perform tasks such as image classification, object detection, and image analysis. Below are the key Azure AI Vision services and their capabilities:

Azure Custom Vision

Custom Vision is a part of Azure Cognitive Services that enables you to build custom image classification and object detection models. It is designed to be user-friendly and requires only a small set of images to start training a model.

For more information on how to get started with Custom Vision, you can visit the following URLs: - Image Classification: Getting Started with Image Classification - Object Detection: Getting Started with Object Detection - Exporting Models: Export Your Model

Azure Computer Vision Image Analysis

The Image Analysis API is another component of Azure AI Vision that provides a broader set of capabilities for analyzing images.

For additional details on Image Analysis and its features, you can refer to the following URLs: - Image Analysis Overview: Azure AI Vision Overview - Product Recognition: Image Analysis 4.0 Product Recognition - Migration Guide: Migration from Custom Vision to Image Analysis

Pricing Information

Understanding the cost implications is important when using Azure AI Vision services. You can find the pricing details for both Custom Vision and Image Analysis at the following URLs: - Custom Vision Pricing: Custom Vision Service Pricing - Image Analysis Pricing: Computer Vision Pricing

By leveraging these Azure AI Vision services, developers can create powerful applications that can see, understand, and interact with the visual world.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models

Understanding Custom Model Types

Custom models are specialized AI models tailored to understand and process specific types of documents or data. They are designed to recognize patterns, extract information, and perform tasks that are unique to the documents they are trained on. Here’s a detailed explanation of the various custom model types:

Composed Custom Models

Composed custom models are an aggregation of multiple custom models that are combined to handle a variety of form types. This is particularly useful when you have several models trained for similar types of documents, such as purchase orders, and you want to manage them as a single entity. This approach simplifies the process of analyzing documents that fall into related categories.

Custom Classifiers

Custom classifiers are designed to identify the type of document before any data extraction takes place. By recognizing the document class, the system can determine which extraction model to invoke, ensuring that the correct information is extracted from the right type of document.

Custom Extraction Models

Custom extraction models come in two forms: custom template models and custom neural models. These models are trained on a labeled dataset of documents to extract specific values of interest.

  • Custom Template Models: These models are based on fixed templates and are suitable for documents with a consistent structure.
  • Custom Neural Models: These models use neural networks to understand and extract data from documents, offering more flexibility for documents with variations in layout or structure.
  • Training Requirement: To start training a custom extraction model, you only need a minimum of five examples of the same form or document type .

Additional Model Types

For more specific instructions and guidance on using these models, you can refer to the provided URLs in the documentation, which offer quickstarts, concepts, and how-to guides for a deeper understanding and practical application of these custom model types .

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models

Create a Custom Project

When creating a custom project using Azure’s Custom Vision service, you will be engaging in a process that involves several steps to set up a project tailored to your specific needs. Below is a detailed explanation of how to create a custom project:

  1. Update to the Latest API Version: Ensure that you are using the latest API version of Custom Vision, as it has undergone updates that include new features and breaking changes. The Prediction API is now split into two APIs based on the project type, and there are changes in how you publish iterations .

  2. Create a New Project: To start a new Custom Vision service project, you can add the following code to your script:

    publish_iteration_name = "classifyModel"
    credentials = ApiKeyCredentials(in_headers={"Training-key": training_key})
    trainer = CustomVisionTrainingClient(ENDPOINT, credentials)
    print("Creating project...")
    project_name = uuid.uuid4()
    project = trainer.create_project(project_name)

    This code snippet sets up the necessary credentials and initializes a new project with a unique name .

  3. Specify Project Options: When creating your project, you can specify additional options such as the project description, domain ID, classification type, and target export platforms. These options can be set using the create_project method. For more details on these options, refer to the Build a classifier guide .

  4. Train and Retest Your Model: After setting up your project, you will need to train your model. It’s common to go through multiple iterations of training and testing to improve accuracy. For guidance on testing and retraining your model, you can refer to the Test and retrain a model documentation .

  5. Publish the Current Iteration: Once you are satisfied with the training iteration, you can publish it. This replaces the previous default iteration system and allows you to manage iterations by publishing or unpublishing them as needed .

  6. Use the Prediction Endpoint: After publishing, you can use the project’s prediction endpoint URL to programmatically test your model. This step is crucial for integrating your custom project into applications and services .

  7. Reference Documentation: For further information and sample code, you can consult the SDK reference documentation for both training and prediction. These resources provide comprehensive guidance on using the Custom Vision client libraries .

  8. Migration to Image Analysis 4.0: If you are considering migrating an existing Custom Vision project to the Azure AI Vision Image Analysis API, which now supports custom models with few-shot learning capability, you can follow the Migration guide for detailed instructions .

By following these steps, you can create a custom project using Azure’s Custom Vision service that is tailored to your specific needs and ready for integration into your applications.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models

Label and Train a Custom Model

When creating a custom model for AI applications, the process typically involves two critical steps: labeling your data and training the model. Here’s a detailed explanation of each step:

Data Labeling

Data labeling is the process of identifying and marking the data that you want your model to learn from. This could involve annotating images, categorizing text, or identifying key values in forms. The quality of your model will heavily depend on the accuracy and consistency of the labels provided during this stage.

  1. Gather Training Data: Collect a set of at least five forms of the same type to train the model. This data is used to teach the model the specific features and patterns it needs to recognize .

  2. Labeling Tool: Utilize a graphical user interface, such as the Document Intelligence Labeling Tool, to manually label your data. This involves defining the labels and their types that you want to extract from your documents .

  3. Auto Label Feature: For a quicker start, you can use the auto label feature, which employs an already trained model or one of the prebuilt models to label your data .

  4. Manual Labeling: If you opt for manual labeling, select the text in the document and assign the appropriate label from a drop-down list or labels pane. Ensure that you label at least five documents to provide the model with enough examples .

Model Training

Once your data is labeled, you can proceed to train your custom model. This involves using the labeled data to teach the model how to make accurate predictions.

  1. Training Data Requirements: Ensure you have a set of training data in an Azure Storage blob, with a minimum of five filled-in forms of the same type .

  2. Training Without Labels: You can train a model without labeled data, which is a simpler default operation. However, the resulting model may not be as accurate as one trained with labeled data .

  3. Training With Labels: For better results, you can train your model with labeled data. This is a more complex process but leads to a more finely tuned model .

  4. Model Training Clients: Use the form_training_client to create and manage custom models. This client provides operations to train custom models to analyze all fields and values found in your custom forms .

  5. Training the Model: After labeling, select the “Train” command, enter the model name, and choose whether you want to use the neural (recommended) or template model to start training your custom model .

  6. Testing the Model: Once the model is trained, use the “Test” command to validate it with your test documents and observe the results. This helps in assessing the model’s accuracy and making any necessary adjustments .

For additional information on building and training a custom model, you can refer to the guide on how to build and train a custom model.

Remember, the success of a custom model depends on the quality and quantity of the training data, as well as the precision of the labeling process. Take the time to ensure your data is well-labeled and representative of the scenarios your model will encounter in the real world.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Image classification with custom Azure AI Vision models

Classify Images with an Azure AI Vision Custom Model

Azure AI Custom Vision is a part of Azure Cognitive Services that allows users to create custom image classification models. These models are designed to recognize specific content in images according to the user’s needs. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to classify images with an Azure AI Vision custom model:

Overview of Azure AI Custom Vision

Azure AI Custom Vision service enables you to build and refine your own image classifiers that can identify and label images based on visual characteristics. Each label corresponds to a classification or an object that you define. This service is distinct from the Azure AI Vision service, which provides pre-built models for image analysis .

Getting Started with Custom Vision

To begin classifying images with a custom model, you need to use the Custom Vision web portal, client library SDK, or REST API. The service offers quickstarts, how-to guides, and tutorials to help you get started with building a classifier .

Training Your Custom Model

To train your custom model, you will need to upload and label a set of training images. Azure AI Custom Vision uses Transfer Learning to leverage pre-existing models and fine-tune them with your specific data, resulting in a custom model tailored to your requirements .

Exporting and Using Your Model

Once your model is trained, you can export it for use in various applications. For example, if you have a “General (compact)” image classification project, you can export your TensorFlow model and use it locally to classify images .

Model Hosting and Inference

Custom Vision Service models can be hosted in the Azure AI Custom Vision service. If you choose to train models using the compact domains, you can export them for use in mobile applications. These compact models are optimized for real-time classification on mobile devices, although they may be slightly less accurate than standard models .

Data Processing and Storage

Azure AI Custom Vision stores your training images and labels to train the custom model. You can also store prediction images for future training iterations. The service processes the data and returns prediction results to the caller .

Additional Resources

For a structured learning path, consider the following training modules:


By using Azure AI Custom Vision, you can create powerful image classifiers that are tailored to your specific needs. The service provides a user-friendly platform for training, exporting, and deploying custom models, making it an essential tool for image classification tasks.

For more information on Azure AI Custom Vision and to start building your own classifier, visit the Custom Vision website.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Face Detection Analysis and Identification Options

In the realm of Azure AI services, face detection and identification are critical features that enable the analysis of human faces within images and videos. Here’s a detailed explanation of the options available for face detection analysis and identification:

Face Detection

Face detection is the process of locating human faces within an image and returning bounding boxes indicating their locations. This feature does not involve distinguishing one face from another or predicting facial attributes. It simply marks the presence of a face within the media file .

Face Identification

Face identification involves a “one-to-many” matching process where a face in an unmanipulated image is compared to a set of faces in a secure repository to find a match. This is implemented by Azure AI Face service and involves the creation of Face templates .

Access and Eligibility

To support Microsoft’s Responsible AI principles, access to face identification, customization, and celebrity recognition features is limited based on eligibility and usage criteria. These features are available to Microsoft managed customers and partners, and an intake form must be filled out to apply for access .

Additional Information

For more detailed information on the functionalities and how to implement them, the following resources can be consulted:

These resources provide a comprehensive understanding of the face detection analysis and identification options available within Azure AI services, which can be leveraged to build sophisticated applications that require facial recognition capabilities.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Understanding Considerations for Face Analysis

When discussing face analysis within the context of Azure AI services, it is crucial to consider several ethical and technical aspects to ensure responsible use of the technology. Below are the key considerations:

Ethical Considerations

Technical Limitations

Data Processing

Additional Resources

For more detailed information on the considerations for using Azure AI services for face analysis, you can refer to the following resources: - Azure AI Face Service Overview - Image Analysis Data Input Requirements - Image Analysis Response Output

By understanding these considerations, users can responsibly implement face analysis in their applications while respecting privacy and ensuring the quality of the outcomes.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Detecting Faces with Azure AI Vision Service

Azure AI Vision provides a comprehensive suite of computer vision services that can be utilized to perform various tasks, including face detection. The Azure AI Vision Face API is a pre-trained machine learning model developed by Microsoft that allows developers to integrate face detection, recognition, and analysis capabilities into their applications without the need to create their own models .

Face Detection

The Face API’s face detection feature identifies human faces in images and videos. It can detect the presence of faces and provide information such as the location of the face within the image. This feature is available without the need for registration and can be accessed by all Azure users .

Facial Attributes

In addition to detecting faces, the Face API can analyze facial attributes using additional AI models. This includes attributes such as pose, emotion, and facial landmarks like the position of the eyes or nose. These attributes are predictions of the perceived features and are separate from the facial verification and identification functionalities .

Facial Verification

Facial verification, or “one-to-one” matching, is a feature that compares a probe image with a previously captured image to verify if they are of the same person. This is commonly used in identity verification or access control scenarios .

Facial Identification

Facial identification, or “one-to-many” matching, compares a detected face against a database of enrolled faces to find a match. This feature is useful for scenarios where there is a need to identify a person from a list of known individuals .

Find Similar Faces

The Face API also includes a “Find Similar” feature that searches for faces that look similar to a given face from all enrollment templates. This can be used to find matching or look-alike faces in a database .

Face Grouping

Face grouping is another feature that creates groups of faces that look similar to each other from all enrollment templates. This can help in organizing large numbers of faces by similarity .

Facial Liveness Detection

Facial liveness detection is designed to determine the authenticity of a human face in a scene. It classifies whether the face is live or a spoof, which is crucial for security systems to prevent fraud .

It is important to note that the use of facial recognition technology is subject to ethical considerations and legal restrictions. Microsoft has outlined specific guidelines for the responsible use of the Face API, including restrictions on selling facial recognition technology to police departments in the United States and limitations on access to certain features of the Face API .

For more detailed information on the functions and capabilities of the Azure AI Vision Face service, please refer to the following resources: - Face documentation - Data and privacy for Azure AI Vision Face API - Face Recognition intake form - Face limited access

Please ensure that you review and comply with all applicable legal terms and responsible AI practices when using the Azure AI Vision Face service.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Understanding the Capabilities of the Azure AI Vision Face Service

The Azure AI Vision Face API is a powerful tool that provides developers with pre-trained machine learning models for detecting, recognizing, and analyzing human faces in images and videos. Here’s a detailed explanation of its capabilities:

Face Detection and Analysis

Responsible Use and Access

Security and Privacy

Integration and Customization

Additional Resources

For more information on the capabilities of the Azure AI Vision Face Service, you can visit the following URLs: - Data and privacy for Azure AI Vision Face API - Face limited access - Face Recognition intake form - Azure AI Video Indexer REST API - Customize Person model using the Azure AI Video Indexer website - Azure AI services security baseline

Please ensure that you review these resources to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Azure AI Vision Face Service and its capabilities.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Compare and Match Detected Faces

When discussing the comparison and matching of detected faces, it is essential to understand the various terms and processes involved in facial recognition technology. Here’s a detailed explanation of the key concepts:

Facial Detection

Facial detection is the process of finding human faces within an image and returning bounding boxes that indicate their locations. This process does not involve identifying or verifying the identity of the individuals whose faces have been detected .

Facial Template

A facial template is a unique numerical representation of an individual’s face, generated from an image. This template is used for comparison purposes in facial recognition systems. The original images cannot be reconstructed from these templates, ensuring privacy and security .

Facial Verification (One-to-One Matching)

Facial verification is a process where two facial templates are compared to verify that they belong to the same individual. This is often used in security applications, such as banking apps, where the identity of a user is confirmed by comparing a selfie with a photo ID .

Facial Identification (One-to-Many Matching)

Facial identification involves comparing a facial template against a set of templates to find a match. This is used in scenarios like access control systems where a camera captures an individual’s face at a secured door and attempts to match it with a database of authorized individuals .

Recognition Confidence Score and Threshold

When a face is queried for verification or identification, a recognition confidence score is returned, indicating the likelihood of a match. This score ranges from 0 to 1. A recognition confidence threshold is set to determine if two faces are considered a match based on the score .

Candidate List

In facial identification scenarios, a candidate list comprises faces with scores above the recognition confidence threshold. This list is used to determine potential matches from a database of facial templates .


Enrollment is the process of collecting images and creating facial templates for recognition. High-quality images yield better facial templates, which are crucial for accurate matching .

Person ID

Each enrolled individual is associated with a Person ID, a primary identifier used to match facial templates during verification processes .

Device Correlation ID

In facial liveness detection scenarios, a unique string is created per device to assist with abuse detection. This ID is not used for verifying or identifying individuals .

For additional information on these concepts, you can refer to the following resources: - Face Detection and Recognition Overview - Face API Documentation

Please note that the URLs provided are for reference purposes to supplement the study guide material.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Implementing Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology is a form of artificial intelligence that can identify or verify a person from a digital image or a video frame. When implementing facial recognition systems, it is crucial to consider the entire ecosystem, including the technology, users, affected individuals, and the deployment environment. Here are some key points to consider:

Understanding the Technology

Responsible AI Practices

System Design Choices

Integration into Daily Tasks

Security Measures

For additional information on responsible AI practices and principles, you can refer to Microsoft’s AI principles at Microsoft AI principles and the Facial Recognition Principles.

Please note that the guidance provided here is based on general principles and may need to be adapted to the specific context of your facial recognition solution. It is also important to stay updated with the latest advancements and guidelines in the field of AI and facial recognition.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Detect, analyze, and recognize faces

Detect, Analyze, and Identify Faces

In the realm of Azure AI services, the ability to detect, analyze, and identify faces is a crucial aspect of understanding and utilizing AI capabilities for various applications. Here’s a detailed explanation of these concepts:

Face Detection

Face detection is the process of locating human faces within an image or video. This does not involve recognizing or distinguishing between individual faces but rather finding the presence and location of faces in a visual medium. The Azure AI Vision Face API, referred to as the “Face API,” provides this capability by returning bounding boxes indicating the locations of detected faces .

Face Analysis

Once faces are detected, the Face API can analyze the detected faces for various attributes. This can include facial features, emotions, and other characteristics that can be inferred from the face. For instance, the API can detect emotions such as joy, sadness, anger, and fear through transcript analysis . However, it’s important to note that the Face API does not store the original images and cannot reconstruct them from the facial templates it creates .

Face Identification

Face identification is a more advanced feature that involves a “one-to-many” matching process. It compares a detected face from an unmanipulated image against a set of faces in a secure repository to find a match. This is particularly useful in scenarios such as touchless access control systems where the system needs to verify an individual’s identity to grant access .

Face Templates

For the purpose of identification, the Face API generates a unique set of numbers from an image or video that represents the distinctive features of a face, known as a face template. These templates are used to compare and identify faces accurately .

Usage and Restrictions

It’s important to note that the use of facial recognition technology is subject to ethical considerations and Microsoft has put in place guidelines to ensure responsible usage. For instance, Microsoft announced that it will not sell facial recognition technology to police departments in the United States until there is strong regulation grounded in human rights .

Additional Information

For more detailed information on the Face API and its capabilities, you can refer to the following resources: - Data and privacy for Azure AI Vision Face API: Data and Privacy Information . - Face Recognition intake form: Access Application Form . - Azure AI Video Indexer portal: Video Indexer Portal . - OCR technology: Optical Character Recognition Information .

Please ensure that when using these technologies, you adhere to the guidelines and regulations set forth by Microsoft and the relevant legal frameworks.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service

Explore Azure AI Vision Options for Reading Text

Azure AI Vision provides robust options for reading and extracting text from images and documents. This capability is part of the broader suite of cognitive services that leverage machine learning models to perform complex tasks, such as optical character recognition (OCR). Below is a detailed explanation of the Azure AI Vision options available for reading text:

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Service

The OCR service is designed to process and extract text from various types of data, including images and documents. It supports a range of file formats:

  • Images: PNG, JPG, and BMP
  • Documents: PDF and TIFF

The OCR results include the text extracted from these files, presented as text lines and words. The service also provides the location of the text within the document or image and confidence scores for the accuracy of the extraction .

For more information on the OCR service, you can visit the OCR overview documentation.

Azure AI Vision API

The Azure AI Vision API offers the Read API, which is used for the OCR skill. This API is capable of recognizing both printed and handwritten text in image files. The OCR skill utilizes machine learning models from Azure AI Vision API v3.2 to perform text extraction. Supported file formats include JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP, and TIFF .

For languages supported by Azure AI Vision, the Read API is employed, while for Greek and Serbian Cyrillic, the legacy OCR API is used .

For further details on the OCR skill and Azure AI Vision API, refer to the Extract text from images guide.

Azure AI Vision Containers

Azure AI Vision also offers containerized solutions for OCR tasks. The Read OCR container allows for the extraction of printed and handwritten text from images and documents, supporting JPEG, PNG, BMP, PDF, and TIFF file formats. This container is generally available and can run in disconnected environments, which is particularly useful for scenarios where data cannot be sent to the cloud due to privacy or regulatory reasons .

For additional information on the Read OCR container, see the Read API documentation.

Azure AI Services Commitment Tier Pricing

For organizations looking to use Azure AI Vision at scale, Azure AI containers are available with commitment tier pricing. This offers a discounted rate compared to the pay-as-you-go pricing model, providing a predictable total cost based on workload needs. The Azure AI Vision - Read service is included in this pricing model, which is beneficial for large-scale OCR tasks .

To learn more about commitment tier pricing and how to access it, you can contact the Microsoft account team or email .

By leveraging these Azure AI Vision options, developers and organizations can integrate advanced text reading capabilities into their applications and workflows, enhancing the ability to process and analyze visual data.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service

Use the Read API

The Read API is part of Azure AI Vision services, designed to extract text from images and documents. It is a powerful tool for processing and analyzing visual data, including printed and handwritten text. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use the Read API:


To use the Read API, you must authenticate your requests. Authentication is commonly done using an Azure AI Vision API key. Each request to the service URL must include an authentication header with the API key or token. This key validates your subscription for the service or group of services .

Secure Data in Transit

When sending data to the Read API, it is important to ensure that the data is encrypted during transit. Azure AI services, including the Read API URLs, use HTTPS URLs for this purpose. The client operating system should support Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 to call the endpoints securely .

Data Processing with the Read API

The Read API can process various types of input data, such as images in PNG, JPG, and BMP formats, as well as documents in PDF and TIFF formats. The results from the Read API include the text extracted from these documents and images, presented as text lines and words, along with their locations and confidence scores .

Development Options

Developers have multiple options for integrating the Read API into their applications. These include using the Document Intelligence Studio, REST API, and SDKs for various programming languages such as C#, Python, Java, and JavaScript .

Additional Resources

For further information on how to use the Read API, you can refer to the following resources: - Azure AI Vision Read API documentation - Authenticate access to Azure AI services - Azure AI services security features - Document Intelligence Studio - REST API for Azure AI services

By utilizing the Read API, developers can create applications that automatically process and analyze visual data, which can be applied to various use cases such as contract processing, financial report analysis, and more. The API’s capabilities make it a valuable component for any application that requires optical character recognition (OCR) functionality.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Read Text in images and documents with the Azure AI Vision Service

Read Text in Images

When discussing the capability to read text in images, we are referring to the process of extracting text from images and documents, which is a common task in the field of computer vision. This process is facilitated by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, which is designed to recognize and interpret the text content within digital images.

OCR Procedure

The OCR procedure typically involves the following components:

  • Source File: The initial step requires users to upload the source file that contains the images for text extraction.
  • Read Model: Azure AI services detect images within the media file and proceed to extract and analyze the text.
  • Get Read Results Model: After text extraction, the results are displayed in a JSON file format, which includes the text lines and words along with their locations.
  • Confidence Value: Each extracted word is accompanied by a confidence score, which ranges from 0 to 1. This score represents the certainty of the OCR’s accuracy in recognizing the text. For instance, a confidence score of 0.82 indicates an 82% certainty of correct text extraction .

Types of Data Processed

The OCR service can process various types of data, including:

Features of the Read OCR Model

The Read OCR model is capable of extracting both printed and handwritten text, identifying them as lines and words. It provides:

Support for Microsoft Office Files

In the preview for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and HTML files, the Read OCR model extracts all embedded text. For embedded images within these files, OCR is performed to extract text, which is then appended to the pages collection in the output. This includes the extracted text lines and words, their bounding polygons, confidence scores, and spans pointing to the associated text .

Asynchronous Processing

The OCR technology from Microsoft, provided via the Azure AI Vision Read API, operates asynchronously. This means that the service does not immediately return the extracted text. Instead, the extraction process begins in the background, and the customer’s application must check back later to retrieve the results. The Get Read Results operation will indicate the progress status during analysis and, upon completion, will output the extracted text and confidence values .

For more detailed information on OCR technology and to explore the Azure AI Vision Read API, you can visit the following URL: OCR technology .

Please note that the URLs provided are for additional information and are not to be explicitly associated with any exam.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze video

Azure Video Indexer Capabilities

Azure Video Indexer is a cloud-based AI service that enables users to extract insights from video and audio files. It is part of the Azure AI services and offers a range of capabilities that can be leveraged for various applications. Below is a detailed explanation of its key features:

1. Video and Audio Analytics

Azure Video Indexer provides advanced analytics on video and audio files. It can extract metadata, identify spoken words, faces, characters, and emotions, and much more. This allows users to search, review, and manage their media content efficiently .

2. Face Identification and Recognition

The service includes features for face identification, customization, and celebrity recognition. However, access to these features is limited based on eligibility and usage criteria to support Responsible AI principles. They are available only to Microsoft managed customers and partners, and interested parties must apply for access using the Face Recognition intake form .

3. Integration and Accessibility

Azure Video Indexer can be accessed in three main ways:

4. Security and Encryption

All stored data and uploaded content are encrypted at rest with a Microsoft-managed key, ensuring the security of the media content .

5. Speaker Identification and Editing

Azure Video Indexer also allows users to add new speakers, rename identified speakers, and modify speakers assigned to a particular transcript line. This can be done through the Azure AI Video Indexer website or via the upload video index API .

6. Streaming Capabilities

Although Azure Media Services is retiring, Azure Video Indexer will continue to provide streaming capabilities for videos hosted through the service, with “like for like” alternatives for encoding and streaming .

Additional Resources

For more information on managing Azure Video Indexer accounts and understanding the impact of Azure Media Services retirement, you can refer to the following resources:

These capabilities make Azure Video Indexer a powerful tool for media content analysis and management, providing users with a comprehensive set of features to enhance their video and audio insights.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze video

To extract custom insights using Azure Video Indexer, you would typically follow a process that integrates Azure’s advanced AI capabilities with your own custom models. Here’s a detailed explanation of the steps involved in extracting custom insights:

  1. Video Upload and Indexing: Begin by uploading your video content to Azure Video Indexer, which will index the video using its built-in AI capabilities. This process involves analyzing the video and audio streams to extract insights such as transcription, facial recognition, and more .

  2. Event Trigger: Once the indexing process is complete, Azure Video Indexer generates an event. Your custom code should be set up to listen for this event, signaling that the video post-processing can begin .

  3. Post-Processing with Custom AI Model: The post-processing involves several steps:

  4. Preparation for Custom AI Model: Before you can use the custom AI model feature with Azure Video Indexer, ensure that you have:

  5. Custom Insights Integration: The insights from your custom AI model can be integrated into the Video Indexer insights. This allows you to have a comprehensive set of data that includes both the standard insights provided by Azure Video Indexer and the specialized insights generated by your custom model .

For additional information on Azure Video Indexer and its capabilities, you can refer to the following resources: - Azure Video Indexer Overview - Azure Video Indexer Documentation

Please note that the URLs provided are for reference purposes to supplement the study guide with additional information on the topic of extracting custom insights using Azure Video Indexer.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze video

Use Video Analyzer Widgets and APIs

Azure AI Video Indexer, formerly known as Azure Video Analyzer for Media, provides a comprehensive suite of widgets and APIs that allow developers to integrate video analysis capabilities into their applications. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to use these resources:

Video Analyzer Widgets

The Video Analyzer widgets are components that you can embed into your applications to display insights extracted from videos. These widgets provide a visual interface for end-users to interact with the video content and its associated metadata, such as labels, keywords, and transcripts.

To use the widgets, you can leverage the @azure/video-analyzer-for-media-widgets npm package. This package allows you to embed the insights widgets directly into your app and customize them to fit your needs. Customization options are available within the package, providing a seamless integration experience without the need for iframe elements.

For more information on how to embed and customize the Video Analyzer widgets in your application, you can refer to the official GitHub repository and the Azure Tech Community blog post: - GitHub Repository: Embedding widgets/widget-customization . - Azure Tech Community Blog Post: Embed and customize Azure AI Video Indexer widgets in your app .

Video Analyzer APIs

The Azure AI Video Indexer also offers a set of APIs that developers can use to programmatically interact with the service. These APIs allow you to upload videos, extract insights, and manage your content at scale.

To get started with the Video Analyzer APIs, you should explore the Azure AI Video Indexer API developer portal. This portal provides documentation, API references, and testing tools to help you understand and use the APIs effectively.

For detailed guidance on how to embed widgets using the APIs, you can visit the Microsoft Learn documentation: - Azure AI Video Indexer API Developer Portal: API developer portal . - Microsoft Learn Documentation: Embed Azure AI Video Indexer widgets into your applications .

By integrating the Video Analyzer widgets and APIs into your applications, you can enhance the user experience by providing rich video insights and interactive elements. These tools are designed to be flexible and customizable, allowing you to tailor the functionality to your specific use case.

Remember, the product name has changed to Azure AI Video Indexer, but this is a backward-compatible change with no implications on the APIs and links you will use .

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze video

Analyze Video

Video analysis is a crucial aspect of AI that involves the use of artificial intelligence to extract meaningful information from video content. Azure AI Video Indexer is a powerful tool that runs over 30 AI models to analyze both video and audio content, providing a comprehensive set of insights. These insights include an aggregated view of data such as detected faces, topics, and text-based emotion detection.

Key Features of Azure AI Video Indexer:

  • Face Detection and Recognition: The tool can identify and recognize individuals in a video, which is useful for various applications such as security and personalized content delivery.

  • Topic Inference: Azure AI Video Indexer can infer topics from the video content. This is achieved by analyzing the audio, video, and text within the content and mapping them to relevant topics .

  • Emotion Detection: The tool can detect emotions based on the text in the video, providing insights into the sentiment of the content.

  • Rich Insights: By processing the video content with multiple AI models, the tool generates rich insights that can be used for content discovery, accessibility, and in-depth content analysis .

Accessing Insights:

To view insights such as Topics Inference on a website, you can navigate to the Insights section and scroll to Topics. For a more detailed analysis, you can download the insights in a JSON format and use a JSON viewer to examine the data .

Pricing and SKUs:

Azure AI Video Indexer offers different pricing options based on the level of analysis required. As of January 1, 2023, an Advanced Audio and Video SKU has been introduced, allowing users to report the use of each preset—Basic, Standard, and Advanced—on their Azure Billing statement. Additionally, there has been a 40% price reduction on Basic Audio Analysis, Audio Analysis, and Video Analysis SKUs, making the service more cost-effective for users .

Additional Resources:

For a detailed explanation of insights and how to utilize Azure AI Video Indexer for video analysis, you can refer to the following resources:

By leveraging Azure AI Video Indexer, users can gain a deeper understanding of their video content and utilize these insights for various applications, from enhancing user engagement to improving content accessibility.

Create computer vision solutions with Azure AI Vision

Analyze video

Analyze Video

Video analysis is a crucial aspect of cognitive services that involves the examination of video content to extract meaningful information. Azure AI Video Indexer is a powerful tool that utilizes over 30 AI models to analyze both video and audio content, providing a comprehensive set of insights. These insights include, but are not limited to:

  • Faces: The service can detect and recognize individual faces within the video content. This can be used for identifying people, counting the number of participants, or analyzing audience engagement.

  • Topics: Azure AI Video Indexer can identify and categorize the topics discussed in the video. This helps in content categorization and searchability.

  • Text-based Emotion Detection: The service can analyze the text in speech to detect emotional cues. This can be particularly useful in understanding the sentiment and emotional responses associated with the video content.

For a more detailed explanation of the insights provided by Azure AI Video Indexer, you can refer to the following resources:

These insights are aggregated to give a holistic view of the video content, making it easier for developers and content creators to understand and utilize their video data effectively. Azure AI Video Indexer’s capabilities are accessible through a simple interface, allowing users to integrate advanced video analytics into their applications without needing extensive AI or data science expertise.

By leveraging Azure AI Video Indexer, developers can enhance their applications with features that can see, hear, speak, and analyze, thus creating more engaging and interactive user experiences.